Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Dads say the darndest things

I haven't experienced your coversations for myself, but from what I'm hearing, the nurse (Robby, I believe) was right all those weeks ago about what you'd do, coming off these drugs they've had you on. You're saying some spaced-out stuff, Daddio.

You said that you hope Dubya gets another go in office.

Just kidding. This blog is no place for politics talk.

I think the more bizarre things that you've said have to do with the very vivid dreams you're now able to remember when you wake. Only you can't quite tell that they were just dreams. Like the other night, when in your food-deprived state, you conjured up some sort of grill party the nursing staff was having right outside your room. Taunting you with the smell of grilled onions and such. You told Dixie, you were a little angry with them for doing that to you. Uh, I would be, too! But it didn't really happen. Your milky way drug galaxy and your back-to-Earth reality are starting to separate and it's tough to tell where one ends and the other begins.

You had another dream last night. You told Asia about it this morning. You said that somewhere in it, you actually figured out that it was just a dream. It was a pretty convoluted plot, lots of apocolyptic consequences, but ultimately, you figured out it was only a dream because, as you put it, "I'm not this important!" Well, you're that important to us. It certainly felt apocolyptic when we thought we could lose you, but yes, it was only a dream and your compass is starting to find its magnetic north again.

This is all fascinating to me, but I know you'll be glad when this part, too, is over. I continue to be amazed at all the stops a body, mind and spirit have to make along the way to full recovery. You'll be out of MidWorld soon.

Can't wait to hear what today brings...

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