Saturday, November 8, 2008

Bonnie's gone

There goes my baby, there goes my long my ragtime gal

Bonnie went peacefully yesterday, around noon, eight days after her twelfth birthday. Some of you have sent private messages full of warm condolence, for which I am grateful. Thank you.

* * * * * * *

Who can plumb the depths of grief?

Those with heart and mind askew,

Who can taste disease...

Persimmon glazed with hospital dew.

And touch the echoes' burn, laced with

Distant joy, sunlight and breeze.

1 comment:

GerRee said...

I'm so sorry, Daddio. Thank goodness her life's end was so much quicker than the rest of her story. Twelve years of companionship, love and goodness, twelve years of thick and thin....