"The camel is a wonder of self-containment and self-sufficiency, able to survive long periods of time just on what is contained within.... Camel energy is infused with health and vitality, giving you a vibrant immune system and the power to heal yourself. "
Robin found this "power animal" and she shared it with Dixie, who read the whole write-up out loud to you. You really liked it, and you've made it clear that you'd like it on the blog. So I posted the excerpt above.
Robin found this "power animal" and she shared it with Dixie, who read the whole write-up out loud to you. You really liked it, and you've made it clear that you'd like it on the blog. So I posted the excerpt above.
Dad. You have come so far in a week. I am amazed. And when I look, too, back at some of the entries and what we considered a good day in the beginning...
I'd like to thank Dixie and Robin for keeping the detailed updates coming. I can't get enough of them. Are you getting dizzy from all the animals we're writing about? Mascots and power animals. You're a zoo.
So, here's something really bizarre:
While I was in Texas, the marketing company I work for landed a new client. They'd been working on landing this client before I left, but I never really knew much about the company or what it did. I just knew it was "healthcare," which is a little different than most of our clients, who are high-tech hardware and software companies.
So, the last week I was in Texas, I learned that the client had, indeed, chosen us to do some strategic and creative work for them, and the segment of their products that we'll be working on? RESPIRATORY CARE. Not only that, but I have been assigned as the lead writer.
Ventilators. CPAP machines.
I'd spent four weeks taking a crash course on the reality side of ventilator technology, and now, I would be writing about this stuff, gearing copy to speak to the caregivers (doctors, administrators, therapists) and convince them that these vents or CPAP machines or what have you, are the products that will give them peace of mind to use for their patients.
Here's another twist: One of the things that this company has that they feel puts them over and above the competition? A technology that helps to prevent pneumonia in patients on the vents.
Well, I don't know about you, but that sure gets MY attention.
Okay. It's been 43 hours since I've spoken on the phone to Dixie. I just finished with the Denver Post Underground Music Showcase last night. (The one Asia and I worked together last year.) It was a lot of fun and hard work. I think you all should come up for it next year.
Dixie is with you as I type, probably inventing new iced tea flavors with you...
I'll be home to see you and the new phoenix wings you're growing in T-minus 10 days.
That's awesome news about your new clients. You'll blow them away with your newly acquired knowledge base.
Won't your daddy be proud to have served you in ways no one would have ever guessed?
I just love how everything in the Universe happens exactly the way it's supposed to...what an abundant space of love, joy, and peace we live in these days!
Does my perspective forget to see the love, joy, and peace in all situations? Yeah, sometimes.....like the first time I stood in the BICU with GeeRee and saw my bestest buddy, Mike, puffed up like a frigging blowfish with medical dressings and gooey salves all over him. I was feeling anything but love, joy, and peace...I was full of fear and anger that something this horrible would dare happen to someone I love!
But then the voice of an angel poured out of GeeRee as she held her daddy's hand and crooned softly into his ear a wonderfully soothing bedtime melody. I was overcome with the feeling that all was right in our world.
It's all about the perspective from which we choose to live. In the end, it will be OK. If it's not ok, it's not the end.
GeeRee, how cool is it that you get to promote a product that is going to make the next person going through such a life-changing ordeal so much easier? I am so happy for you.
About the camel...I didn't find it. I had been playing on this site for the last couple of days because I'm interested in MY power animals.
Then I decided to look for Mike. If you go there you'll see there is a dove that follows your mouse around on the screen as you go through the forest with the intention of finding your animal. When you feel you're in the right place in the forest, you click the mouse and your power animal comes up.
Well...I was moving the mouse all over the forest scene and the dove was stuck up in one corner and not budging. It had never done that while I moving the mouse before and I thought, "What the hell?" Since the dove wouldn't move, I brought the mouse back to it and clicked on the dove.
Up popped the camel...so I'm thinking the Universe chose the camel for Miguelito, not me.
Chad happens to sleep with a CPAP machine every night for his Sleep Apnea. It has made a world of difference to him. If you look at the time of this post, you might think that I may be needing one of these machines as well.
Yeah, Lee, too. Although, I think he needs a new one. This one's a little "old school," given what they've come up with lately. Too bad I don't get a discount!
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