Saturday, August 2, 2008

Plan for the future-Iced Tea and more of it

Because we spent the central portion of this Saturday together today, it would take three pages to describe it. I’ll leave that until another time and put the condensed version this evening. I brought the dry erase board that Byron bought for you. It helps. We talked about both of us being ready for you to come home with me soon. You wrote: iced tea—sweet, unsweet, raspberry, peach, pear, green, mint..... I told you we’ll get all the flavors you can think of and all the ice you want and some flavors you’ve never thought of. I reminded you that Shanna says that you can have swabs of water for your mouth every hour, but not more because we can’t take a chance on fluid getting into your lungs. You’ve got way too much as it is. You sat in the chair more than two hours today. As soon as you were settled in it, you began the exercises that the therapists have given you. You had a breathing treatment while you were sitting there. Wish we had a movie of the contortions the RT was going through to get you all hooked up!

You wrote that it’s scary to have the machine controlling your breathing. So we had a discussion about how long you were on a ventilator with a wad of plastic in your mouth and your mouth getting sore, then discussed the time after the tracheotomy and having a machine control your breathing through the tracheostomy. You just shook your head in amazement. The respiratory therapist assured us that the full time ventilator days are gone. WooHoo!

You took some good naps today.
Since you can’t talk, you reach out to shake hands with anyone who has done something new to take care of you. It’s so reassuring to see my sweet brother being who he is instead of my brother simply lying in bed trying to heal from the inside out. Now your work has begun as a concentrated effort on your part. You’re doing a great job. I love you; see you tomorrow.

Status: Oxygen level: anywhere from 89 to 100% depending on coughing etc. Mostly in upper 90s -- doing very fine
Temperature normal Sedations remain on the drip system at the same level for the past four/five days


Robins clan member in Fort Worth said...

Met the new docs this am. You wrote that the main reason you weren't sleeping was being in ICU and that your trach tube is constantly pulling/causing pressure. We checked -- the collar isn't too tight. Can't do much about the ICU environment except wear your butt out during the day doing all the sitting and assigned therapeutic exercises.

You tried to decide if you could read with the reading glasses I brought or if it was better without them. I hope as the sedation goes down, you can read the books I left for you.

You were funny about all the flavors of iced tea -- must really be on your mind since you told Dixie the same thing later today. I'm sure you are dry down to your roots!

I can see one of the greatest things to come out of this whole experience for you and those who love and care about you will be your/our appreciation of all the small things we tend to take for granted: a delicious sip of ice tea, a full night's uninterrupted sleep, a favorite meal, breathing unencumbered by machines, tubes, or therapists...don't worry, bro, those days are coming. Patience is not a strong suit for you or me, so we both get some practice!

Remember...your power animal is the camel -- self-sufficiency, self-containment, preserverence, and healing. You're such a camel!

Love you,

Colleen said...

That sounds so frustrating to be so thirsty! I am sure you are starting to see Oasis' everywhere. However, I love the camel thought. We are amazing creatures to be able to heal and you have blown us all away. Go, Go, Go!