That's what you WROTE ON PAPER to Asia after our little cell phone chat. You also asked her about her job, about getting some water (I can't wait until you can have water!), and, apparently, once Robin and Asia answered your questions about why you're there, you indicated your intent to file a police report! Haha! I do not know exactly why, but this made Asia and me laugh really hard.
You had all kinds of communication going on. Including acting out what it was like to come in and out of consciousness. Asia said you'd make your eyes really wide, then drop your head to the side and let your tongue loll out. Then you'd look back out, eyes wide, and again, drop your head and stick your tongue out. So funny!
Asia was ecstatic after the visit. I think this is the dawn of a whole new era. It may, from this day forward, begin to feel weird for us to write to you as if you don't know the blow-by-blow yourself.
I wonder how long you got, in total, off the vent today? I wonder how long 'til you have a room that friends can visit you in? I wonder how long 'til you can read all the emails I have from your friends? I wonder how long 'til we can go dancin'?
You had all kinds of communication going on. Including acting out what it was like to come in and out of consciousness. Asia said you'd make your eyes really wide, then drop your head to the side and let your tongue loll out. Then you'd look back out, eyes wide, and again, drop your head and stick your tongue out. So funny!
Asia was ecstatic after the visit. I think this is the dawn of a whole new era. It may, from this day forward, begin to feel weird for us to write to you as if you don't know the blow-by-blow yourself.
I wonder how long you got, in total, off the vent today? I wonder how long 'til you have a room that friends can visit you in? I wonder how long 'til you can read all the emails I have from your friends? I wonder how long 'til we can go dancin'?
THIS is the post I've been waiting to read. I know you've still got a long way to go, Michael, but MAN this is great news. Count me in on the dancin'!
Skippy's reunion is Oct 4th.. I know I'll have my dancing shoes on! Counting on you Mike.. you're like the only guy there that dances with all us silly ol' gals!
Such great news that you're back in the world with us again! :)
this is wonderful news!!!
I saw for myself today. In my professional nursing opinion, I would say he'll be on a med/surg floor and can have guests by next week at the latest.
He's looking great. Since last week, most of the swelling and body puffiness is gone. I told him I took pics while he looked like a stuffed toad; he just grinned. His face looks great.
Mike sat up and I could see his whole back. Just a little more dead skin to slough off and that's it on his burns. He'll have some redness, but that's it. His fingers are looking well.
We talked (well mainly I talked and Mikey rolled his eyes alot) about politics, current events, the fire (he doesn't remember anything about the fire or last 30days), etc. We talked about Obama's triumphant visit to Europe and how much he reminded us of Kennedy and that we hoped his secret service guys liked him.
I reiterated he was lucky (BIG roll of the eyes and stuck his tongue out) "Yeah, you're one lucky bastard--you're alive." He gave up on that...and we discussed that he had to be patient (I believe there was a jerking off motion to that one) and work on not pulling things out that should be left in for now. He understood....one funny thing that happened.
I was giving him grief about something and the nurse said he would kick me out. Mikey very emphatically shook his head no...we all laughed. As I was leaving, he was trying to grab me and I joked, "Are you trying to feel me up? That's not a very BROTHERLY thing to do." The nurse and Mikey both laughed at that...men! I knew he was back then!
Oh and he kept doing this whole Incredible Hulk imitation when his nurse said if he was strong enough, he would get him up in a chair today.
It was so good to see him as Mike again. And he's definitely looking forward to having more visitors soon. However, he was exhausted after about 45 minutes of entertaining guests.
It's still very tiring for him not to be able to communicate well. He can write things down, but as you can see from this post, it isn't easy to figure out his handwriting yet. I told him I needed to be on the same drugs he was on to be able to read what he wrote. He just grinned and motioned shooting up drugs. He's so funny....I'm so grateful he's funny again.
This has got to be a great weight off everyone's shoulders! I'm so glad to hear of continued progress, so will continue to send prayers and healing thoughts his way.
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