Thursday, July 31, 2008

Space walk


Asia and I devised a plan to let me talk to you: This morning, she took her cell phone in and called me and put me on speaker phone. (Someone at Parkland's going to read this and slap us on the hand, I just know it.) I told you I loved you and I missed you and I heard you were making GREAT progress. I asked her to squeeze your hand for me. And she said you squeezed it back really good, and that you had a big smile on your face. I said love you both, told you Robin was on her way, and we ended at that.

Well I have a big smile on my face, even though I'm misty-eyed from missing you, because I said GREAT progress: You were off the vent!! You're at the point where they let you take a short space walk. Off the vent. Off the grid.

These space walks will get longer and longer until you leave that vent behind for good, Daddio.

For good.

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