Sunday, July 13, 2008

Ripple Effect

Just so you know, this has effected so many people. The news of your story has caused most of my friends to review their home owner's insurance policies. It inspired my husband to buy new fire extinguishers and change the batteries in our smoke detectors. You are causing others to change what they take for granted.

I keep seeing you in my mind sitting in that sound booth at Skippy's. You were always smiling up there. I imagine that right now you are somewhere floating around, looking down on the show again. It must be confusing and I am sure you are desperately trying to find the damn soundboard and gain some control of this mess on stage. Just give the doctors and nurses a little more time. I know that the bass is too low and you can't quite make out the vocals yet, but the mixer will be back in your hands any minute. I promise.

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