Yesterday, your cultures finally came back. So, now they know that, yes, you have an infection in your lungs that is causing pneumonia and they also know what specific bacteria they are fighting. So they're bringing out the "biggest guns we have," according to the doctor, for your antibiotics.
I said it over and over again in the car last night so I could stop freaking out about it.
Then I went straight to Robin's for some perspective.
All these days, we've been singing or talking to you, telling you who all has written or called, what they've said, how much they love you. I haven't wanted to be specific about your condition because I didn't want to have a lot of medical terms just swimming around in your head, untethered. But last night, after getting the diagnosis from the doc, I went back into your room, changed into a new set of gloves, stroked your hair and tried to imagine the tone of voice you would strike with me in the same situation. Then, I leaned in real close to you and imagined piercing through the sedation and said, as clearly as I could from behind the mask, "Hey there, Daddy. Here's the deal: You've got pneumonia. Tell your body to focus on those lungs. Get it out of there. And I know you're exhausted. And I know this has been the most bizarre ten days of your life. And all this time, we've been encouraging you to rest while the team did what they needed to do. But you're up. It's your turn now and you've got some work to do. I love you, you can do this."
The antibiotics seem to be having their effect. I called before going to bed last night and your nurse said your fever was down. And this morning at 6, it was down to 38.7 C, and by the time Asia saw you at 8, it was 38.5 C. That's equal to 101.3 F.
Ever so much better than 104.
Also, your oxygen assistance was at 80 percent yesterday, and by this morning, the assistance was down to 60 percent. Good. Good.
So, now, I'm saying another 'P' word over and over in my head
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Every step forward, no matter how small, is a step made in the right direction.
pneumonia sucks. but so glad it's now the evil they know. here's hoping the antibiotics start kicking ass and taking names.
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